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For Authors

Scifiniti is a new publisher committed to providing quality publications by breaking down geographical barriers and connecting researchers worldwide. To assist our authors in the preparation of their manuscripts, we have created the following guidelines, which will help them significantly in preparing manuscripts according to international standards.

The copyrights of articles published in Scifiniti are retained by the authors. Upon manuscript submission, authors grant a license to the publisher to publish their articles as the original publisher. Articles are published under CC BY 4.0, allowing unrestricted use of the article provided proper attribution is given to the copyright holder. However, in cases where authors cannot retain their copyrights, such as government employees, authors need to inform the Editorial office before the publication of the article, as modifications in the copyright statement cannot be made after the article's publication.

II. Article Types

Scifiniti offers a range of options to authors for submitting articles of various types. The following is a brief description of these article types:

Review Article

A review article summarizes and analyzes the progress of existing research on a specific topic. There is no specific limit on word count, references, number of figures, or tables but it is usually comprised of at least 4000-8000 words 8-10 figures, and 100 or more references.  The structure of a review article should include an Abstract, keywords, an Introduction, Related Sections, Discussion, Conclusions, and Future Directions, a list of abbreviations, Funding information, conflict of interest, and Acknowledgment.

Research Article

Original research articles report the findings of a research study, offering a comprehensive analysis of the most recent and pertinent references in the respective field. The article's structure should encompass the following components: a structured abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, availability of data and materials, list of abbreviations, funding information, consent for publication, conflicts of interest, and acknowledgements. A minimum of 4000 words are recommended for a research article with at least 30 references and 3-5 figures.

Systematic Reviews

Systematic review articles provide an in-depth examination of previous research on a specific topic. The manuscript's structure is similar to that of a standard review article, with at least 4000 minimum words. Unlike the review article, it includes a Method section.

Authors must strictly follow the PRISMA checklist ( while reporting the research, and a flow diagram of the protocol should also be cited within the main text or Supplementary Materials.


These are mostly non-peer-reviewed short articles submitted by the Editor-in-Chief, board members, or guest editors. The usual word count is about 1000-1500 words with 10-15 references but abstracts are not necessary to include.


Commentaries are short articles that have a narrowly focused scope and are usually commissioned by the journal. The structure of a commentary article includes an abstract (not mandatory), main text, references, and figures/Tables. The abstract, figures, and Tables are however not necessary. Commentaries should be a maximum of 1000 words and should have at least 10 references.


Perspectives are invited papers focused on a specific topic, presenting the authors' opinions or discussing other articles with proper attribution to the original source. It is recommended to cite recent articles, preferably from the last three years. The length of the perspective should not exceed 3000 words, and a maximum of two figures and tables are allowed.

Case Report

Case reports provide details on the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment of an individual patient. The paper should be a minimum of 2500 words and include sections such as abstract, keywords, introduction, case description, discussion, conclusion, consent for publication, conflict of interest, and acknowledgement. It is mandatory to obtain patient consent, and the consent form should be submitted along with the manuscript.

III. General Guidelines

Before submitting your manuscript, please make sure that:  

  • Grammatical and spelling errors are not found in the manuscript.
  • The manuscript is complete with all ethical requirements
  • Manuscript includes keywords
  • Figures and Tables along with captions if provided are cited in the text section of the manuscript.
  • References are complete and cited in the sequential order in the text section of the manuscript.
  • If any copyrighted material is being used then proper attribution has been given to the author and permission has also been taken from the original copyright holder.
  • Supplemental files if applicable are provided.
  • Conflict of interest has been declared even if there is no conflict of interest then it must be reported.
  • Graphical Abstract and Highlights are provided as a separate file.

IV. Reporting Guidelines

Authors must prepare their manuscripts according to the following guidelines.

  • Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT): Recommended for randomized controlled trials.
  • TREND: Recommended for non-randomized trials.
  • PRISMA: Recommended to follow for systematic review and meta-analyses.
  • CARE: Recommended to use for case reports.
  • STROBE: Recommended for Observational studies.
  • STREGA: Recommended for studies of genetic association.
  • STARD and TRIPOD: Recommended for diagnostic accuracy studies.
  • COREQ: Recommended for qualitative research.
  • ARRIVE: Recommended to improve the reporting of research using animal experiments.
  • CHEERS: Recommended for economic evaluations.
  • MOOSE: Recommended for meta-analyses of observational studies.

V. Submission Process

All manuscripts submitted to Scifiniti are processed exclusively through our online submission system ( Scifiniti does not accept or process any articles received via email. The corresponding author is responsible for submitting the manuscript and will collaborate with the Editorial Office throughout the manuscript processing. Before submitting the manuscript, the corresponding author should ensure that authorship criteria as suggested by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and COPE, have been followed for all listed authors.

Cover Letter

The corresponding author is required to submit a cover letter during manuscript submission, providing brief details about the significance of the manuscript. In this cover letter, the corresponding author on behalf of other authors, will confirm that the manuscript is an original submission, not in process, submitted, or published in any other journal.  Furthermore, the cover letter should also assert that all authors agree regarding authorship, and there are no disputes among the authors. Please also specify if there are any potential conflicts of interest or if you have any concerns over the journal policy. 


Authors are advised to keep the title of their manuscript brief (typically 10-15 words) and directly related to the research topic. It is recommended to avoid the use of abbreviated or short forms in titles. Please adhere to these guidelines when formulating the title of your submission.

Authors' Name and Affiliation

The title page of the manuscript must include the full names of all authors, along with their current affiliations, digital identifiers, and email addresses. Please ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information to facilitate effective communication and proper attribution.

Article Structure

Subdivision - Numbered Sections

Organize your article into distinct, numbered sections. Subsections should be labelled as 1.1 (and then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and so on), 1.2, and so forth. Please note that section numbering does not include the abstract. Use this numbering system for any internal cross-references, avoiding vague references to 'the text.' If necessary, provide concise headings for each subsection, and ensure that each heading begins on a separate line.


This section is optional but strongly encouraged for authors as it could increase the visibility of your articles.  We invite you to encapsulate the core points of your article in 3 to 5 bullet points, elevating its discoverability on search engines. These highlights should be submitted as a separate, editable file using 'Highlights' in the filename or provided as a distinct section within the manuscript. By employing 3 to 5 bullet points, each within 85 characters, spaces included, you can considerably bolster your article's online visibility.

Graphical Abstract

Graphical abstract is optional for authors but we do recommend that authors should provide a graphical abstract that summarises the article content in graphical form. The quality of the graphics should match the recommendations for other figures in the manuscript. Refer to our figures section for file type and quality guidelines.

The following specifications are recommended:

  • Size: The image should be readable at 5 × 13 cm using a regular screen resolution of 96 dpi.
  • Resolution: 531 × 1328 pixels (h × w)


The abstract of a research article should adhere to a stringent 350-word limit, encompassing a succinct introduction, presentation of results, and a brief discussion. It is recommended not to cite references within the abstract, and also avoid the use of abbreviations.


Include a minimum of 6-8 keywords in the manuscript that are relevant to the topic. Authors are advised to choose specific keywords and avoid generic terms such as disease, climate, environment, etc.


The “introduction” is the first section of the manuscript which should explain the significance and background of the topic covered.

Materials and Methods

This section should provide information related to the “Materials and Methods” used to conduct the research such as original data source, material used, study aim, design, and setting. The complete description of processes, interventions, and comparisons should also be provided in the materials and methods section of the manuscript.  


This section should include the main and important findings of the study. The results of statistical analysis should be included in the text or can be cited in tables or figures.


Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted from the perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible and the limitations of the work highlighted. Future research directions may also be mentioned. This section “discussion” may be combined with Results.


A brief summary of the entire article should be provided under the section “Conclusion”.

List of Abbreviations

If the manuscript includes abbreviations, it is essential to use their full form in the first place. Authors are also recommended to provide a comprehensive list of these abbreviations with their full names under the section "List of Abbreviations", which should be included at the end of the article.


All research articles must contain the following sections:

  • Ethics approval and consent to participate
  • Consent for publication
  • Availability of data and material
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Funding
  • Authors' contributions
  • Acknowledgements

Please visit the Ethical Guidelines section for further details.


Scifiniti Journals uses either Vancouver or ACS reference styles. The following are important points to be noted while citing any articles.

  • Ensure Consistency in Citations

All references cited within the figures, tables, or text must also be included in the reference section of the manuscript.

  • Author Count and "et al." Usage

If there are 6 or fewer authors, include the names of all authors. For references with more than 6 authors, list the names of the first 6 authors and then use "et al." to represent the remaining authors.

  • Include DOIs

Include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for all cited articles at the end of your references.

  • Author Name Format

Abbreviate authors' first and middle names to initials, and provide the complete surname.

  • Citing Published and Accepted Articles

In your reference list, include only articles that have been published or accepted for publication. For published articles, provide the page numbers or article numbers. For accepted articles that are pending publication, indicate their status as "In Press" within brackets. It's important to note that Scifiniti discourages citing data that is still under peer review by any publisher.

  • Preprint References

If a reference is from a preprint, make it clear that it is a preprint. If a peer-reviewed journal publication for the same preprint exists, prefer the official journal publication.

  • Quoting and Citing Verbatim Text

When incorporating verbatim text from another source into your work, you should enclose it within quotation marks and reference must be cited in the reference section. This practice ensures proper attribution and acknowledges the source of the quoted text, promoting transparency and academic integrity.

Vancouver Reference Style

The Vancouver style adheres to a citation-sequence system, wherein the references in the final section of your paper are numerically ordered in the same sequence as they are cited in your text. This differs from the conventional method of arranging references alphabetically by author.

Reference Citations Within Text                 

References in the Vancouver style are cited numerically and enclosed within square brackets. For a single reference, it is cited as [1]. When citing two or more references, they are separated by a comma, and a lower number is written first, such as [1, 5]. When referencing a range of sources, a hyphen is used to denote the range, like [1-15].

If the number of authors is 6 or less, all authors' names need to be mentioned. However, if there are more than 6 authors, the names of the first 6 authors will be listed, followed by 'et al.' for the remaining authors.



[1] Paivio A, Jansen B, Becker LJ. Comparisons through the mind’s eye. Cognition 1975;37(2):635-47.

[2] Weikert S, Freyer D, Weih M, Isaev N, Busch C, Schultze J, et al. Rapid Ca2+ -dependent NO-production from central nervous system cells in culture measured by NO-nitrite/ozone chemoluminescence. Brain Res 1997;748:1–11.

Edited Book:

[3] Luria AR. The mind of a mnemonist [Solotarof L, Trans.]. New York: Avon Books; 1969 [Original work published 1965].

[4] Letheridge S, Cannon CR, editors. Bilingual education: teaching English as a second language. New York: Praeger; 1980.

Book Chapter:

[5] Chaddock TE. Gastric emptying of a nutritionally balanced liquid diet. In: Daniel EE, editor. Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on gastrointestinal motility. Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada): Mitchell Press; 1974. p. 83-92.

[6] Adams MJ, Briscoe BE, Sinha SK. Interface friction and energy dissipation in soft solid processing applications. In: Dowson D, Taylor CM, Childs THC, Godet M, Dalmas G, editors. Dissipative processes in tribology. Dowson D, editor. Tribology series, vol. 27. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1994. p. 223-34.


[7] Shukla M, Vasu RK, Lodha SP, Seetharaman S. Method and system for machine learning model testing and preventive measure recommendation. US Patent 11805137, 2023.

[8] RAMAKRISHNAN, Narayanan (New City, New York, US). Real-time sample aspiration fault detection and control. WIPO Patent Application WO/2023/288230, 2023.

Conference Proceeding:  


[9] Anderson JC. Current status of chorion villus biopsy. In: Tudenhope D, Chenoweth J, editors. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the Australian Perinatal Society; 1986. Brisbane, Queensland: Australian Perinatal Society; 1987. p. 190-6.

[10] Rice AS, Farquhar-Smith WP, Bridges D, Brooks JW. Canabinoids and pain. In: Dostorovsky JO, Carr DB, Koltzenburg M, editors. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Pain; 2002 Aug 17-22; San Diego, CA. Seattle (WA): IASP Press; 2003. p. 437-68.


[11] Patrias K. Computer-compatible writing and editing. Paper presented at: Interacting with the digital environment: modern scientific publishing. 46th Annual Meeting of the Council of Science Editors; 2003 May 3-6; Pittsburgh, PA.

[12] Rao RM, Lord GM, Choe H, Lichtman AH, Luscinskas FW, Glimcher LH. The transcription T-bet is required for optimal proinflammatory trafficking of CD4+ T cells. Poster session presented at: 25th European Workshop for Rheumatology Research; 2005 Feb 24-27; Glasgow, UK.

ACS Reference Style:  

In a manner similar to the Vancouver style, the ACS style also adheres to a citation-sequence system, where the references in the final section of your paper are numerically ordered in the same sequence as they are cited in your text. This system differs from the conventional method of arranging references alphabetically by author.

Reference Citations Within Text:

In the text section of the manuscript, references should be cited numerically, placed in italics, and listed in sequential order. When a reference is cited at multiple locations within the text, it should retain the same number assigned to it upon its initial mention, and no new number should be assigned. If more than one reference number is cited at a single location, these numbers should be presented in ascending order and separated by commas.



[1] Paivio, A.; Jansen, B.; Becker, L.J. Comparisons through the mind’s eye. Cognition, 1975, 37(2), 635-647.

[2] Weikert, S.; Freyer, D.; Weih, M.; Isaev, N.; Busch, C.; Schultze, J.; Megow, D.; U Dirnagl, D. Rapid Ca2+ -dependent NO-production from central nervous system cells in culture measured by NO-nitrite/ozone chemoluminescence. Brain Res., 1997, 748,1–11.

Edited Book:

[3] Luria, A.R. The mind of a mnemonist [Solotarof L, Trans.]; Avon Books: New York, 1969.  

[4] Letheridge, S.; Cannon, C.R. Bilingual education: teaching English as a second language; Praeger: New York, 1980.

Book Chapter:

[5] Adams, M. J.; Briscoe, B. E. and Sinha, S. K. Interface friction and energy dissipation in soft solid processing applications. In: Tribology series: Vol. 27. Dissipative processes in tribology; Dowson, D., Series Ed. and Dawson, D., Taylor, C. M. Childs, T. H. C., Godet, M. and Dalmas, G. Vol. Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1994; pp 233-234.


[6] Shukla, M.; Vasu, R.K.; Lodha, S.P.; Seetharaman, S. Method and system for machine learning model testing and preventive measure recommendation. U.S. Patent 11805137, 2023.

[7] Ramakrishnan, N. Real-time sample aspiration fault detection and control. WIPO Patent Application WO/2023/288230, 2023.

Conference Proceeding: 

[8] Douglis, F.; Ball, T. Tracking and viewing changes on the web. In Proceedings of the 1996 USENIX technical conference, 1996.

VI. Manuscript File formats

Please submit your manuscript in an editable format to ensure a smooth review and production process. If the file is not editable, we may request a resubmission in an appropriate format.

Points to consider:

  • Use double-line spacing.
  • Include both line and page numbering in your document.
  • Ensure that any special characters are properly embedded within the text, as they may be lost during conversion to PDF.
  • Avoid using page breaks within the manuscript.

For article templates and detailed submission instructions, please visit the Author Guidelines section of the relevant journal. These resources provide all the necessary information to prepare your manuscript in the correct format.

VII. Nomenclature

Equations should be inserted in editable format from the equation editor.

Gene symbols should be italicized and only approved gene nomenclature should be used. It is recommended to follow the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) for human genes. While reporting, you may include common alternative gene aliases; however, it is important to note that these aliases should not be used independently as substitutes for the HGNC symbol.

Chemical compounds and biomolecules should be denoted using systematic nomenclature, preferably following the guidelines outlined by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The mathematical notations, units of measurement, and chemical and physical quantities should be reported in the International System of Units (SI).

The nomenclature of Astronomical objects should be the one recommended by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) (Click here).

In manuscripts containing mathematical equations, authors should ensure that these equations are provided in editable form, preferably generated from the equation editor, and should be integrated within the normal text flow whenever possible.

When expressing fractional terms, please use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line (e.g., X/Y). Variables should be formatted in italics. When indicating powers of 'e,' it is preferred to use 'exp.' Additionally, please assign consecutive numbers to any equations that need to be displayed separately from the text if they are explicitly referred to in the manuscript.

IX. Figures

As explicitly outlined in the Image Manipulation section of our Ethical Guidelines, authors are required to seek permission when incorporating copyrighted figures or any segment of a figure or table, and they must accurately adhere to the requirements of the relevant licenses.

Figures should be placed in proximity to the corresponding text, rather than at the beginning or end of the document, citation of figures in the text section should be in sequential order.  

Figures with multiple parts should be submitted as a single file containing all parts of the figures (a, b, c, etc.), and the size of each figure must not exceed 10 MB. If you are using a graph then make labels including units that should be given for each axis.

If the manuscript is submitted in LaTex FILE, then figures should be provided in the PDF. After paper acceptance separate figures might be required for production purposes.

Please note that authors must get approval from the original copyright holder if figures are reproduced from any published content.

Image Size and Resolution

As the final version of the manuscript will be generated in PDF figures must also be prepared considering the same version of the manuscript.  

Dimension Requirements

  • For single-column figures: The width should be 85mm.
  • For double-column figures: The width should be 180mm.


Ensure that your figures are of high resolution (typically 300 dots per inch or DPI) to maintain image quality when printed or viewed on-screen. Verify the figure's resolution by enlarging it to 150%. If the image exhibits blurriness, it indicates that the resolution is insufficient.

Font Size

Ensure that any text, labels, or legends in the figures are legible at the expected figure dimensions. A font size of 8-10 points is usually suitable for figures.

Acceptable File Types for Figures

  • Microsoft Word (figures must be a single page)
  • PowerPoint (figures must be a single page)
  • EPS
  • PDF
  • TIFF
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • BMP

For Vector drawings, please provide EPS or PDF.

It is recommended to prepare chemical structures in CDX (ChemDraw).

Please do not:

  • Provide low-quality figures.
  • Provide files whose resolution is low for screen use such as BMP GIF, WPG, and PICT.
  • Submit graphics that are larger than necessary for the content

Figure Captions

A caption should consist of a concise title in text form and not as a part of the figure, also provide a description of the figure which should remain minimal, but provide explanations for abbreviations and symbols used.

X. Tables

Table Citations

Tables should be cited in sequential order in the text section of the manuscript. Citations must not be missed, and tables must be provided as editable Word files, not pictures.

Table Layout

The table caption should appear above the table, and legends should be given underneath the table.

Large Files

Large files with multiple parts should be listed under Supplementary files due to formatting reasons.

Table Numbering

When citing tables in the text, use the format "Table 1" where the number is in bold.

Table Usage

Please refrain from duplicating information, ensuring that results are not repeated elsewhere in the manuscript.


Avoid using shading or vertical rules in table cells.

XI. Supplementary Materials

Scifiniti does publish supplementary material along with the article. These supplementary materials play a crucial role in enhancing the content of the articles, providing readers with valuable resources and additional information.

For manuscripts with innovative or substantial methodology sections, we encourage the inclusion of supplementary online materials. These materials can include:

  1. Equations
  2. Data Treatment
  3. Syntax Code
  4. Example Data
  5. Code Books
  6. Case Descriptions
  7. Research Context
  8. Detailed Narratives

Additionally, images, sound clips, and method applications can be included to further enrich your work.

If any changes are necessary for the provided supplementary file, please submit a completely new file rather than providing a correction list or annotating corrections on the previous version. It's important to note that supplementary files are published as provided, and no formatting is applied from the Publisher's side.

In-Text Citations and Section Heading

A section with the heading 'Supportive/Supplementary Material' preceding the reference section should encompass information on supplementary material. This section should include captions and descriptions for each file, outlining its content.

Online Publication Format

Please note that supplementary material will not be integrated into the manuscript but will be linked on our website in the same format as provided by the author.

File Format and Size

It is crucial to ensure that each additional file represents a single table, figure, or movie. Please refrain from uploading linked worksheets or PDF files larger than one sheet. All supportive or supplementary materials should be consolidated into a single zipped file, not exceeding 4 MB in size. For data sheets, we recommend using Word, Excel, CSV, CDX, FASTA, PDF, or Zip formats. Presentations are best provided in PowerPoint, PDF, or Zip files. Images can be submitted in CDX, JPEG, EPS, TIFF, or PNG formats.

If supplementary audio files are included, kindly provide them in MP3 format, and for videos, use MOV, MPG, AVI, or MPEG formats. Supplementary images must be in 300 DPI, and RGB colour mode should be utilized.

Language Editing

Before submitting manuscripts, we recommend that authors have their work reviewed by a native English speaker or avail themselves of professional language editing services to minimize the risk of rejection due to language inconsistencies. Manuscripts containing grammatical or typographical errors are ineligible for publication and will be returned to the author with a recommendation for correction before further consideration in the publication process. Authors are encouraged to utilize professional editing services to address language inconsistencies and errors in their manuscripts.